
Category: Warmup News

  • Security Update 05-09-2024

    We’re pleased to announce a third security update, which adds additional security from our first update over a month ago. With the help of ChemiCloud or new website hosting provider and Stripe our secure payment processor, we’ve fully tackled the issue of credit card testing. What is credit card testing? Credit card testing, also known…

  • Security Update 2024-03-22

    We are committed to providing a secure and reliable platform for all our users. As part of this commitment, we recently conducted a comprehensive update of our servers at Spiral WarmUps. During this process, we identified an unusual pattern of excessive login attempts and numerous failed transactions from users attempting to register. This raised concerns…

  • New Warm-Ups for Back-to-School 2022

    New Warm-Ups for Back-to-School 2022

    We’re always excited to release the new set of warm-ups each semester. However, this year is especially thrilling because we’ve got two brand new areas of focus: Test Prep Grammar In the past, the new warm-ups focused on the same focal points: comprehension skills, word study, spelling, and fluency. But now, we’re branching out to…

  • We’re Updating Our Free Guided Reading Resources

    We’re Updating Our Free Guided Reading Resources

    This summer we’re upgrading our guided reading tools, templates, and free activities. Thing is, we want your feedback! What is your biggest pain point in guided reading? What’s most frustrating? What’s the toughest part of organizing your reading groups? What gets in the way of your helping your students? We want to know these things…

  • Word Meaning Warm-Ups are Expanding

    Word Meaning Warm-Ups are Expanding

    If you’re interested in expanding your students’ vocabulary, then you’re going to love the fact that our word meaning warm-ups are expanding! Today, we posted five more days of warm-ups in the free word study warm-ups, and tomorrow we’ll post five more! That’s a total of 10 more days added to the word meaning warm-ups.…

  • Free Word Study Upgrades

    Free Word Study Upgrades

    The free word study warm-ups are getting major upgrades!Before next school year, the free word study warm-ups will all be completely new based on your feedback.The Original Word Study Warm-UpsWhen we first released the free word study warm-ups, we really weren’t certain how they would be received. Now, thousands of classrooms later and with amazing…

  • Let’s Start the School Year with Your Input!

    Let’s Start the School Year with Your Input!

    Loading… Thanks for sharing your thoughts with use! Take a look at the feedback from other teachers by clicking the link below. Tailoring the Warm-Ups for You! Read More.

  • Tailoring the Warm-Ups For You!

    Tailoring the Warm-Ups For You!

    We have a few upgrades coming this month, and we’d like to get your input before we finalize. Please take a moment to answer one question. One Question: Give Your Input! Loading… Your feedback from the 2017-18 school continues to be invaluable as we build Spiral Warm-Ups together! We began last August with just a…

  • Awesome Membership Upgrades

    Awesome Membership Upgrades

    Your Spiral WarmUps Awesome Membership is receiving a major upgrade for the 2018-19 school year! The upgrades include: The Fluency Builder Package Student Accounts Differentiation Pathways Progress Monitoring Assessments Our 2017-18 school year focused on developing, revising, and rolling out the free word study warm-ups and the reading comprehension warm-ups, and now we’re adding more…

  • Fluency Pilot Continues

    Fluency Pilot Continues

    Please take a moment to complete the three question survey below. Loading… During the month of April, we had our initial pilots of the new reading fluency warm-ups – there were so many kinks to work out! However, we used student and teacher feedback to tune up the fluency warm-ups, and now we’re ready for…

  • [News] Upgrades and Downtime

    [News] Upgrades and Downtime

    We are doing a major upgrade of our servers to increase video speed and provide the power for our new comprehension and fluency warm-up pilot starting in May. The site should be back to normal function…except much faster…starting Monday morning 4/9/2018. Cheers! [thrive_posts_list title=”Recent Posts” no_posts=”5″ filter=”recent” thumbnails=”on”]

  • [News] Word Study Warm-Ups are Expanding

    [News] Word Study Warm-Ups are Expanding

    If you’re an Awesome Member, you’ll be glad to know we’re developing activity-based word study warm-ups. We’re starting with Word Sorts and expanding from there. This week, we pushed out a new week of Word Sort Warm-Up Videos covering five types of consonant blends: Initial 2-letter blends Initial 3-letter blends Medial blends Final blends Blends…

  • Word Fluency & Basic Inferences: Three More Weeks of Warm-Ups!

    Great news for members – we just finalized the release of 3 more weeks of warm-ups! Fluency 2 Advanced Days 1-5 Fluency 2 Advanced Days 6-10 Basic Inferences 3 Fluency 2 Advanced takes students beyond the word fluency skills taught and practiced in Fluency 2, which focused on vowel digraphs. You can read more about the warm-ups…

  • An Awesome Thank You!

    An Awesome Thank You!

    We’re coming into the final 3 hours of our Early Adopter sign-up to the new reading comprehension warm-ups, and I’m totally thrilled to say thank you for joining the Awesome Membership!It’s because of you that students will strengthen their reading and writing skills! It’s because of 140 teachers who collaborated over the previous 6 months and…

  • [NEWS] Expanding the Comprehension Warm-Ups

    [NEWS] Expanding the Comprehension Warm-Ups

      We’re overwhelmed by the outstanding response to the launch of reading comprehension warm-ups and can’t wait to hear of the stories of stronger readers and writers! There are only 5 days left in the Early Adopter special where we’re essentially giving the reading comprehension warm-ups away for less than a burger on the value…

  • More Spiral Warm-Up Courses [Fall 2017 Update]

    More Spiral Warm-Up Courses [Fall 2017 Update]

    More Spiral Warm-Up Courses [Fall 2017 Update] The fall semester is going by so quickly, and I hope your students are enjoying the free word study courses including word fluency and spelling units! We’ve been busy drafting new courses…entirely new courses covering comprehension and vocabulary. And we have new word study units on the way! Spiral…

  • [News] Spelling Warm-Ups Unit 3

    Spelling 3: Inflected Endings We’re now rolling out our newest unit for free word study warm-ups. It’s Spelling 3: Inflected Endings.  This unit is designed for grades 3-6 tier 1 instruction. It begins with direct instruction on inflectional endings and continues into three different activities for students to build spelling fluency:Word SortsWord BuilderSpeed SpellerEach activity progressively…

  • [NEWS] Spelling 1 Warm-Ups are Published!

    We’re happy to announce our newest free word study warm-ups! The first spelling unit is complete. In this unit, your students will: Sort words based on orthographic patterns.Receive direct instruction/review on consonant digraphs, blends, and short vowels. Physically participate in identifying phonemes and graphemes.Build spelling fluency. The new spelling 1 unit is designed for on-level…

  • Spelling Warm-Ups (New Spiral Reviews)

    Spelling Warm-Ups (New Spiral Reviews)

    Our newest spiral warm-ups are finished and ready to publish. Your dashboard will soon show spiral reviews 1-5 in your Spelling warm-ups! Who will benefit from these spelling warm-ups? What spelling activities will students do in these spiral reviews? In this post you will: Preview the spelling spiral review activities.Discover prerequisite skills students need in these…