There are free and paid memberships. The free membership gives you access to word study warm-ups for grades 2-6, and the paid memberships give you access to extended word study, reading fluency, and comprehension warm-ups for grades 3-6.
Free Memberships
The free membership gives you access to word study warm-ups for grades 2-6.
Paid Memberships
the paid memberships give you access to:
- Warm-ups for grades 3-6
- Extended word study
- Reading fluency
- Progress monitoring
- Comprehension
Get A Spiral WarmUps Membership
Can I use Spiral WarmUps for reading instruction?
Warm-Ups are a great space in your instructional time to reteach core concepts, provide practice for fluency skills, relearning of spelling skills, and mastery of essential basic reading skills. A reading warm-up should only take 3-6 minutes.
Does Spiral WarmUps work with Reading Workshop?
Yes Spiral WarmUps work with the reading workshop, and they don’t replace it. Use the warm-ups when you would normally take attendace, before you start the workshop, when you transition from reading/writing workshop to another subject, or as a work station within the reading workshop.
What reading skills do Spiral WarmUps address?
As a warm-up, we don’t replace your core curriculum. Instead we address the fundamental skills needed to be successful in your grade-level curriculum. These include: word decoding, word meaning, spelling, reading fluency, vocabulary development, and basic comprehension.
What grade levels are Spiral WarmUps for?
Grades 2-7. Our most basic word study warm-ups address 1st and 2nd-grade skills, but are appropriate for 2nd semester 2nd-graders. Our most challenging fluency and comprehension warm-ups are appropriate for 6th- and 7th-grade remediation.

Spiral Review for Retention
Brains need time to store information and repeated exposure to deepen understandings. Spiral review results in increased retention and mastery of literacy skills. Repeated opportunity to learn results in fluent mastery of reading skills.

Word Study for a Literacy Foundation
80% of comprehension struggles start with fluency. Fluency starts with strong word study. The free word study warm-ups focus on:
- Decoding Fluency
- Word Parts (Morphology)
- Spelling Patterns (Orthography)

Literal and Inferential Comprehension
The reading comprehension warm-ups focus on both literal comprehension of text and inferential thinking using text evidence in a variety of formats:
- Interactive Videos
- Task Card Projectibles
- Written and Oral Response