We’re overwhelmed by the outstanding response to the launch of reading comprehension warm-ups and can’t wait to hear of the stories of stronger readers and writers!
There are only 5 days left in the Early Adopter special where we’re essentially giving the reading comprehension warm-ups away for less than a burger on the value menu.
[thrive_highlight highlight=’default’ text=’light’]Good is not good enough…[/thrive_highlight]
Even with a successful launch of the warm-ups, we’re not resting – tonight, we finished and published two more weeks of warm-ups!
These warm-ups focus on making inferences and are a part of our new Basic Inferences set, which transition students from inferring main ideas to inferring ideas about characters, setting, and making predictions.
The new making inferences warm-ups are organized by Lexile levels to help you match text complexity to your student’s instructional reading levels. (Here’s a good post at TeamTom Education on reading levels and a free reading level chart).
I hope you find these warm-ups to be a great tool for embedding spiral review and promoting student talk and writing in the reading classroom – they are open-ended task card projectables.
Do you still have questions? Do you have ideas or suggestions for comprehension warm-ups? We’d love to hear from you. Please comment below – thanks for reading.
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