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> Click here to download the answer key for the week.Teaching TipsBest Main Idea is an activity where students will:Read texts that are timed at 90-100 words per minute.Turn and talk for 10 seconds to see what they can recall from the text.Choose the best main idea from two choices.Plus One: an extra question per day. Spiral Review 16: Expository (Science)Plus OneClick for Full Screen (Allow Pop-Ups)Spiral Review 17:">> Click here to download the answer key for the week.Teaching TipsBest Main Idea is an activity where students will:Read texts that are timed at 90-100 words per minute.Turn and talk for 10 seconds to see what they can recall from the text.Choose the best main idea from two choices.Plus One: an extra question per day. Spiral Review 16: Expository (Science)Plus OneClick for Full Screen (Allow Pop-Ups)Spiral Review 17:">