What are free word study spiral warmups
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What Are Word Study Warm-Ups?

Since 2017, we’ve provided free Word Study Warm-Ups for teachers as a whole-class solution to the first 3-6 minutes of class. And now, in 2022, we’re still not holding back – these word study spiral warm-ups are totally free.

Really? Free? Totally free warm-ups? Yes.

Keep reading to see if they’re right for you.

In this post you will find:

Free Word Study Activities that Integrate into 3-6 minutes of your class time.

What Are the Free Word Study Warm-Ups?

In 2017 we set off to develop the world’s only online spiral warm-up for word study! We also decided that we’d take it one step further and offer the warm-ups for free. That’s two firsts: 1st online word study and 1st to be free!

Since then, we developed a paid membership (The Awesome Warm-Ups), but our first word study warm-ups were free, are still free, and will always be free!

What’s in the word study warm-ups?

The word study warm-ups are no-prep, interactive videos. This means you press play for the class to watch, the video begins, and the video prompts students to participate. You walk the classroom to monitor students, support struggling students, and then check the work after the video.

The whole routine takes three to six minutes.

Got Questions? See our Full List of Word Study FAQs >

Read More: Five Techniques for Using our Warm-Up Routine >

What Warm-Up Activities are Included?

What kind of activities can an online warm-up give to students? How engaging is it? How rigorous is it?

Each warm-up is a no-prep video that guides the whole-class (or small group) through a set of activities for instruction.

The activities for instruction:

  • short, direct instruction from another teacher
  • identifying spelling patterns from an audible word
  • choosing the correct spelling pattern for a word
  • rapid identification of phonological patterns
  • decoding fluency

The engagement for students:

  • setting goals for mastery
  • monitoring progress
  • earn points each week
  • timed and competitive
  • quiz games

You can get the free warm-ups here or learn more about progress monitoring here.

How do the Word Study Warm-Ups Align?

The free word study warm-ups align with several research-based sources for word lists and word study activities. The warm-ups are designed for grades 2-6 whole-class instruction (tier 1) and grades 4-7 intervention groups.

  • All state standards and common core standards aligned with developmental decoding and word study
  • Dolch words and Fry high-frequency words
  • also aligns with developmental decoding and word study principles as found in our research base
  • Alignment with Word Their Way, Fountas and Pinnell Word Study, and Istation word study scope and sequence

What is Spiral

In addition to the free word study warm-ups, Spiral WarmUps provides comprehension, vocabulary, fluency, and more. However, the free word study warm-ups are designed to provide the following for you:

  • Review word study concepts and skills daily
  • Segmented into 3-5 minutes each day
  • Boost retention from your mini-lessons and guided reading lessons
  • Provide relearning opportunities
  • Practice decoding
  • Build fluency
  • Build word meanings and knowledge of affixes

What are the limits of

Here’s a list of what Spiral WarmUps is not designed to do:

  • Require daily copying and prep work
  • Cost you money for free word study warm-ups
  • Prepare students for standardized tests (unless you buy the awesome membership)
  • Require you to buy resources from TeachersPayTeachers
  • Take time to set up and use
  • Wash your dishes…but it pretty much solves every other problem!

How Much Will It Cost to Join?

Nothing. Zero. Zilch. Nada.

You can join Spiral WarmUps and use the free word study warm-ups for $0. They’re free!

Sure, we continue to develop more warm-ups for comprehension, test prep, vocabulary development, English Language Learners, and many more that you can pay for.

But the word study warm-ups are absolutely, always FREE!

Tap here to Join Today.

Why is Word Study Important - Spiral WarmUps Word Study Article Feature Image of a girl reading a book

Are You Ready To Get Started?

Literacy is more important than ever.
Your time is more valuable than ever.
Don’t wait forever.

Get the free word study warm-ups today (no payment information is needed).





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