Word Study is Almost Here - Word Study Warm-Up Updates
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Word Study is Almost Here!

That’s right. New Word Study warm-ups are almost here! We’re working on upgrades this summer, and the free NEW warm-ups will begin rolling out on August 1st, and we are so excited.

You may still have questions, and so do we.

This started as a collaboration between a handful of teachers back in 2016 and now includes thousands of teachers – including you (if you’re a member, but you can join for free)!

We continue to develop and upgrade the curriculum and taking your input (see survey here) based on your students’ needs.

​Word Study Upgrades

In August 2022, we will deliver two new weeks of free warm-ups designed to help upper elementary students build word meaning skills.

The warm-ups will focus on common Greek and Latin Roots. Why Greek and Latin Roots?

These skills are necessary for students to determine the meaning of unknown words in more complex texts. They underlie the comprehension skills that upper elementary (grades 3-5) students use as they develop more independence in their reading toolkits.

So let’s see if we can answer a few questions, introduce the main characters of our word study warm-ups, and help you build stronger readers and writers!

Will Word Study Always be Free?

Yes. We will always have the free word study membership with word fluency, word building, and word meaning…even as the spiral warm-ups grow!

And…the units are continuing to expand.

What skills are covered?​

​Successful reading = language comprehension + word recognition.

Word study covers one of the two sides of successful reading: word recognition. Word recognition includes three courses of study:

  1. Word Fluency
  2. Word Building
  3. Word Meaning

Specific skills start at 2nd and 3rd-grade consonant blending all the way to grades 7-8 Greek and Latin Roots and SAT preparation.​

Advanced Reading Comprehension Begins with (1) Language Comprehension and (2) Word Recognition. Students who struggle with reading comprehension have deficits in one or both of these two areas.

What grades can use Word Study Warm-Ups?​

You’ll see skills and warm-ups for 2nd through 8th grades. You can log in here and view the three word study courses.

Our Word Study Warm-Ups begin with the basics – decoding and word fluency. These basic warm-ups are perfect for 2nd-4th grade and just right for remediation in grades 4-6.

As the curriculum progresses, spelling and word meaning units will address upper middle school – including SAT prep.

Why a Warm-Up and Not a Full Curriculum?

We believe nothing can replace you, the teacher – as a knowledgable and skilled person in the classroom and as the artist behind designing your lessons – you are priceless!

Our interactive videos and activities provide practice on literacy skills that are embedded through lower-level curricula. The idea is simple.

No one has time to teach everything. No student has the ability to master everything. This creates gaps.

Our reading warm-ups are designed to fill the gaps. They provide the automatic spiral review to build mastery of the fundament literacy skills. 

Have More Questions?

Of course, you do. Like I said earlier, so do we. Together, we are building an awesome teaching resource that will immensely help thousands of students.

Before we move into introducing our characters, I encourage you to browse our more thorough FAQ here.​

Characters from the Warm-Ups

Also, I’d like to introduce our main characters. We have Ms. Springer, Penelope, and Miguel.

They pop in and out of the video warm-ups to grab student attention, encourage, introduce games and activities, and increase engagement.​

These adorable cartoon characters are the stars of the new & FREE
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