
Guided Reading

Guided reading is a small-group instructional context in which a teacher supports each reader’s development of systems of strategic actions.
Fountas and Pinnell

Guided reading is an instructional practice or approach where teachers support a small group of students to read a text independently.
Australian Dept. Of Ed.

You have a small group of students, you give them a challenging text, and you support them as they read through it.
TeamTom Education

Guided reading is small group reading instruction designed to teach students to apply strategic reading behaviors independently.
Journal of Language & Literacy

What is Guided Reading?

It depends on who you ask. At it’s most basic level, guided reading is a teacher guided a group of students through the reading process and providing instruction and support according to their needs.

Guided reading is widespread as a small group reading instructional approach. However, there are some cases where the original intent of guided reading has been lost. And what is the intention of guided reading? The purpose of guided reading is to be a teaching method for encouraging readers’ independent strategic thinking. It builds effective reading behaviors, which can yield fluent reading and independent comprehension of texts. But what do you

This summer we’re upgrading our guided reading tools, templates, and free activities. Thing is, we want your feedback! What is your biggest pain point in guided reading? What’s most frustrating? What’s the toughest part of organizing your reading groups? What gets in the way of your helping your students? We want to know these things because we’re designing free resources & solutions to help you! That’s how we operate. You

Check These Out! As a reading teacher, you’ve likely discovered many challenges and even problems with using guided reading. 4 Problems with Guided PLUS a simple 2-step strategy you can use today.