Category: FAQs
Literacy Blocks and The Science of Reading FAQ
If you have any questions about our FAQs, please don’t hesitate to find support here. We’re here to help you find the best solution for your reading instruction needs. You can also sign up for our newsletter to get the latest updates and tips from our experts. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about…
How Do You Schedule a Literacy Block (and other FAQs)
How do you schedule a literacy block? It’s the key question to planning effective reading instruction. We all know there’s not enough time in the day to teach every strand of reading skills each day. The solution is streamlining the balanced literacy block (here are a few literacy block schedules to help and a sample…
[FAQ 4] Where Should I Start?
With so many warm-ups and skills, it’s easy to feel like a maze or a bowl of spaghetti. Let’s unjumble the pasta, and talk about where to start with your Word Study and Reading Comprehension Warm-Ups. Wherever you choose to start, remember that consistency is more important than where you start (I recommend this research…
[FAQ 3] What Comprehension Skills Are There?
Comprehension skills must be directly taught, understood, and mastered with fluency and automaticity. And that’s what the reading comprehension warm-ups help you achieve. What reading skills do the reading comprehension warm-ups focus on? Will there be more skills? These are two great questions we get all the time, so let’s answer them! What Comprehension Skills?…
[FAQ 2] Are They Test-Formatted?
This is the second most frequently asked question, and rightfully so. Reading comprehension tests often drive the nature of instruction, but as more tests are turning to assessing reading strategy, the test is actually starting to looking different than instruction. The question still stands, are they test-formatted? Yes. No. Read on to see which are and aren’t.Multiple-Choice…
[FAQ 1] How Do I Use the Warm-Ups?
This is the most frequently asked question, so let’s start here. Everyone believes that no-prep warm-ups for word study and reading comprehension are great, but how do you use them?How do You Use the Spiral Warm-Ups?After giving students brief direction on what to expect in today’s warm-up activities (i.e. turn and talk, needing paper), you…
The New Reading Comprehension Warm-Ups
We’ve been working on something for you – reading comprehension warm-ups: ideas and details, craft and structure, integration of knowledge and skills, and fluency with an appropriate level of text complexity. So far, we have 75 days of warm-ups created…we’re gathering feedback from 600+ teachers to develop the next phase, and then we’re moving into…
FAQ About Word Work Fluency 1
SaveFAQ About Word Work in Fluency 1Before you begin our free word study course, Word Fluency, you might have a few questions about the type of word work. What will students learn in Fluency 1? And you might wonder:What skills will they gain and how will this word work help them?How will their reading levels increase?Will…
Questions About Word Study Spiral Warm-Ups
Do you have questions about word study at You’re not the only one. Over the last 3 weeks we’ve collected awesome feedback and questions about the free word study warm-ups here at This article will give a quick overview of the questions and answers so far. More details questions about word study warm-ups are in the…