
Reading Warmups: Comprehension, Phonics, Vocabulary, and Reading Fluency

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3-6 Minutes of No-Prep Reading and Word Study Warm-Ups. Essential Skills. Big Results.

The foundational blocks of fluent reading. Build reading fluency, spelling fluency, and reading comprehension with these research-based strategies.

Unleash the effects of cumulative review and practice. Focused on the most essential reading comprehension skills and strategies.

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What are in the Free Word Study Warm-Ups?

There are three word study courses included in the word study warm-ups.

Decoding Fluency 2019 - Engaging activities to teach word knowledge to young readers

Word Study Warm-Ups:

  1. Word Fluency (Letter-sound skills, Decoding skills, Automaticity)
  2. Word Building (Orthographic patterns, Grapheme-phoneme connections)
  3. Word Meaning (Morphology, Semantics)

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Do You Have Reading Comprehension Warm-Ups?

Yes, your Spiral WarmUps account is loaded with comprehension warm-ups focused on essential comprehension skills and nine comprehension strategies.

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Comprehension Warm-Ups

Spiral WarmUps has reading comprehension warm-ups, and we organize them into two categories:

  1. Basic: This includes all the literal comprehension skills.
  2. Complex: These the inferential comprehension strategies.

Within these two categories of warm-ups, we provide a variety of formats and activities. You will find interactive videos and projectable task cards (open-ended and multiple choice) focused on the strands of comprehension.

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Easy and free. Two things everyone loves.

Support & Resources for Reading Teachers

In addition to the warm-ups, Spiral WarmUps provides support and resources for reading teachers to ensure we’re building stronger readers and writers together! Included in your account are professional development courses and articles. Topics and resources include how to use the warm-ups, word study 101, literacy block sample schedules, using Spiral WarmUps in guided reading groups, and many more!