What’s Included in the Warm-Ups?
There are reading comprehension and word study warm-ups for grades 2-6 and for intervention in grades 3-8. Browse below to see the scope of the skills.
Spiral Review.
Reading Comprehension and Word Study.
Reading Comprehension
Types of Details
Spiral Review 1-5 Info Investigator
Students read a variety of genres and identify different types of details in text at 100-110 wpm in Info Investigator.
Spiral Review 6-10 Fill-in-the-Blank
Students read a variety of genres and identify different types of details in text at 100-110 wpm in Info Investigator.
Spiral Review 11-15 Open-Ended
In Types of Details Spiral Reviews 11-15, students read a variety of genres and use different types of details to support the stated main ideas of paragraphs.
Stated Main Ideas
Spiral Review 1-5 Info Investigator
Stated Main Idea Spiral Reviews 1-5 use a video-based activity called Info Investigator to increase student fluency and comprehension of literal main ideas.
Spiral Review 6-10 Open-Ended
Stated Main Idea Spiral Reviews 6-10 use task card projectables with open-ended questions to prompt student discussion and writing about details and main ideas in short texts.
Spiral Review 11-15 Multiple-Choice
Stated Main Idea Spiral Reviews 11-15 use multiple-choice questions on task card projectables let students practice identifying a stated main idea in a variety of texts.
Spiral Review 16-20 Best Main Idea Videos
Students read timed texts at 90 wpm, turn and talk about the details, and identify the best main idea from two choices in an activity called Best Main Idea.
Spiral Review 21-25 Info Investigator
These interactive video warm-ups are rich with academic vocabulary and content. Students read timed texts at 100-110 wpm, turn and talk about the main idea, and get immediate feedback.
Inferring Main Ideas
Spiral Review 1-5 Turn & Talk and Multiple-Choice
These task card format warm-ups use Turn and Talk activities for students to make connection among details and infer the main idea.
Spiral Review 6-10 Open-Ended
Students infer the main idea after reading texts (Lexile 500-750). There are two tasks per day in an open-ended format. Students can write, talk, or answer in a class discussion format.
Spiral Review 11-15 Multiple-Choice
Students infer the main idea in multiple-choice questions after reading texts (Lexile 500-750). Use for silent reading, partner reading, group work, or shared reading.
Spiral Review 16-20 Multiple-Choice
These are the inferring main ideas and multiple-choice versions of Stated Main Ideas SR16-20.
Making Inferences 1
Spiral Review 1-5 Open & Multiple-Choice
Task Card Projectables: Students read fiction (900L-1000L), make inferences, and cite text evidence.
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Fluency Builder
Fluency Builder
Level 1 Week 1
Sentence fluency with meaning. Students will move from 70wpm to 80wpm in short segmented text.
Level 1 Week 2
Sentence fluency with meaning. Students will move from 70wpm to 80wpm in short segmented text.
Level 2 Week 1
Sentence fluency with meaning. Students will move from 70wpm to 80wpm in short segmented text.
Level 3 Week 1
Sentence fluency with meaning. Students will move from 80wpm to 90wpm in short segmented text.
Level 4 Week 1
Paragraph fluency with meaning. Students will master 90wpm in extended timed texts with meaning.
Word Study
Word Fluency
Decoding Fluency 1 Week 1
This week of Fluency 1 focuses on basic decoding skills for 2nd and 3rd grade consonant blends. Fluency is built through choral response, timed written response, word sorts, and Word Racer.
Decoding Fluency 1 Week 2
The 2nd week of Fluency 1 focuses on decoding skills for 2nd and 3rd grade consonant blends. Decoding rate is increased with the introduction of Gold Racer.
Decoding Fluency 1 Week 3
Weeks 3-4 of Decoding Fluency 1 focus on upper elementary decoding patterns to help students tackle multi-syllabic words with confidence.
Decoding Fluency 1 Week 4
These decoding patterns form the basis of upper elementary orthography. They help strengthen readers fluency and accuracy in multi-syllabic words.
Word Fluency 2 Week 1
Fluency 1 focused on blends, Fluency 2 focuses on decoding words with vowel digraphs. Word sorts, videos, choral reading, and word racer.
Word Fluency 2 Week 2
This week of Fluency 2 speeds up with Platinum Racer, and students deepen word mastery with word sorts and timed word identification activities.
Word Fluency 2 Advanced
These advanced consonant digraphs are practiced in two- and three-syllable words in word racer, micro-lessons, and in quick writes. This is an important unit for upper elementary decoding, but it also lays the groundwork for advanced orthography.
Word Building
Spelling 1 Vowels, Digraphs, Blends
Student work on word building activities to strengthen spelling skills in short vowels and consonant digraphs.
Spelling 1 Advanced Week 1
Micro-lessons, A Closer Look, Speed Speller, and Word Sorts help students increase their spelling fluency on advanced blends and digraphs.
Spelling 1 Advanced Week 2
The second week of this unit, continues Micro-lessons, A Closer Look, Speed Speller, and Word Sorts. The spelling patterns are perfect for 3rd-5th graders.
Spelling 1 Week 2
Students continue learning consonant digraphs and short vowels in interactive videos, Taps and Claps, and A Closer Look.
Spelling 3 Inflected Endings Week 1
Past tense and plural nouns are covered in these inflected ending spelling patterns include the Drop e rule. The warm-ups include micro-lessons, Word Sorts, Speed Speller, and Word Builder.
Spelling 3 Inflected Endings Week 2
New vowel digraphs are introduced and previous spelling patterns are reviewed with Word Sorts, Word Builder, and Speed Speller.
Word Sorts: Consonant Blends (Week 1)
This spiral review week focuses on close sorts for building spelling skills in consonant blends.
Word Sorts: Consonant Blends (Week 2)
These open sorts focus on sorting consonant blends: initial 2-letter blends, initial 3-letter blends, medial blends, and final blends.
Word Sorts: Consonant Blends (Week 3)
These words sorts focus on consonant digraphs compared to similar consonant phonemes in the initial, medial, and final positions: ch/tr, ph/f, sh/tion, th/f, and voiced th/unvoiced th.
Word Sorts: Affixes (Week 1)
These affixes word sorts build decoding and spelling fluency with word parts: re, pre, un, non, im, in, dis. Most words are 5-8 letters in length and are perfect for 3rd-4th-graders.
Word Sorts: Affixes (Week 2)
These suffixes word sorts build decoding and spelling fluency with word parts: ed, ing, ful, less, ness, ly, able, ible, er, and est.
Word Sorts: Affixes (Week 3)
These prefixes word sorts build focus on word parts most commonly found in academic words: de, dis, trans, sub, inter, mid, and semi. These word parts build essential word knowledge for advanced readers and spellers.
Word Meaning
Synonyms 1 Basic English Days 1-5
These are basic English words and are great for building background for English learners and reviewing 3rd-4th-grade synonyms in timed readings with context-based synonym questions.
Synonyms 1 Spiral Reviews 1-5
A fast-paced activity called Synonym Buns helps students practice the synonyms from days 1-5.
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