The free word study warm-ups are getting major upgrades!
Before next school year, the free word study warm-ups will all be completely new based on your feedback.
The Original Word Study Warm-Ups
When we first released the free word study warm-ups, we really weren’t certain how they would be received. Now, thousands of classrooms later and with amazing reading results, the original word study warm-ups are changing in a good way.
How will they change?
Word Study Warm-Ups
Let’s compare the original word study warm-ups with the new 2019-20 upgrades.
More Warm-Ups
The upgrades use the original word study scope and sequence, but they also add warm-ups to build proficiency with word meaning warm-ups.
The word meaning warm-ups show allow students to practice syntax and context clues in sentences.
Focused Word Study Activities
After having the original warm-ups in so many classrooms for the last two years, we’ve been able to discover the best activities.
You’ll notice that the activities are very focused. For example, during the 20 days of Word Fluency warm-ups, students will:
- Focus on a specific set of consonant blends.
- Learn blends with direct teaching, modelling, visual aids, and choral response.
- Practice spiral review with Word Racer and Give It A Shot.
Why Change the Word Study Warm-Ups?
We’ve learned what works – thanks to all the classrooms who’ve used and provided feedback.
Here are two key discoveries:
1) The pacing of the Free Word Study Warm-Ups was too fast for 2nd grade students.
2) The cartoon theme was too young for most 4th and 5th-grade interventions.
And yet, we still had results that outpaced national averages in spelling and reading level growth!!!
We can’t wait to hear the results after this upgrade!
Where Are the Original Word Study Warm-Ups?
The original word study warm-ups are still accessible for all of our Awesome Members. They are embedded in the literacy sequences and accessed in a designated place in the member dashboard.
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